Buy Hours of Watch Time Youtube

Buy Hours of Watch Time Youtube

Buy Hours of Watch Time for your channel and enable the MONETIZATION feature of Youtube




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Why You Should Buy Hours of YouTube Watch Time

Over the years, YouTube has become a favorite for many people. Businesses are not left out. Many of them use it as an avenue to reach out to potential customers and drive traffic to their websites. A lot of people use YouTube for a wide range of purposes, such as personal entertainment, keeping up with the latest trends, news, making money, and so much more. On YouTube, it’s easier to get likes, comments, and even shares using the right approach.

However, one of the major areas where many people have a problem on YouTube is monetizing their channel. Monetizing your channel on YouTube requires a lot of time and effort. The truth is, you may have to wait for years if you want to start making money via your channel. The reason for that is because there are certain conditions you need to meet first before you can start earning with your YouTube channel.

Meeting these conditions laid down by YouTube is not easy. You’ll have put a lot of time and effort into meeting these conditions. Most importantly, you have to be very patient. However, many people cannot put in the needed time and effort needed to build their channel up to that point where it becomes eligible for monetization purposes.


Conditions You Have to Meet to Earn on YouTube

As previously mentioned, monetizing your YouTube channel requires you to meet up with some requirements. These requirements are as follows:

  • On your YouTube channel, you must have up to 1000 subscribers on your list.
  • Your videos must have generated up to 4000 hours of watch time within the last 12 months. You do not meet the requirement if your videos have not generated up to that over the last 12 months.
  • Your channel must comply with all of YouTube policies and must be clean.
  • You must have an ad AdSense account already set up.

How do I Increase The Watch Time Hours For my YouTube Videos?

The choice is yours. You can either decide to wait forever or buy YouTube watch time hours from reputable sellers. At iGetKing, we can provide you with real watch time hours to meet up with the 4000 hours required by YouTube. We have successfully done this for many, and yours won’t be an exception. All you need to do is buy one of our packages, and we will handle the rest for you.


Service Requirements

To access this service, your channel must meet the following requirements:

  • For this service to work, you must have at least one video whose duration is 60 minutes long or more.
  • Your channel shouldn’t contain children’s content.
  • Your channel shouldn’t have received any deletions for copyright violation.


Why You Should Buy Watch Time Hours

If you’re looking to monetize your YouTube channel, then buying watch time hours can help you in a lot of ways, such as:


Saves You Time

Getting 4000 hours of watch time on your videos is no joke. It requires a lot of patience. Whether your channel is still new or old, you need to put in a lot of time and effort for your videos to generate such hours of watch time. This is where the importance of buying watch time comes into play. Buying watch time saves you a lot of time. You don’t need to wait forever for your videos to generate 4000 hours of watch time. All you have to do is buy the amount of watch time hours you want.


Start Earning Fast

Waiting for your YouTube videos to generate the required watch time could take months or even years. If you’re looking to generate revenue fast from your channel, you won’t have the patience to wait for that long. The best thing to do in such a situation is to buy watch time hours. Doing so will help you meet up with YouTube’s requirements within a short period.



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